Support Fueled by Positive Psychology
In episode 77, Executives Rachel Mann and Jeanette Jordan discuss how their Self-Care Squad has helped improve their well-being, battle burnout, and other life transitions.
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If you said, “yes.” You are in the right place. The information found on this site will strengthen your happiness journey.
Your ONE-STOP for workplace well-being
Positive psychology is the scientific study of how humans flourish. On this page, you will find the resources to do just that.
You will discover evidence-based strategies and practices as it relates to book recommendations, digital publications, meditation, and the top podcast episodes from Kourting Happiness that Dr. Kortni Alston highly recommends.
CNBC MakeIt Reporter, Ashton Jackson, sits down with Dr. Kortni to discuss building resilience at work. The article, A Workplace Wellness Coach and Happiness Scholar’s 3 Best Tips for Thriving at Work, provides best practices to understand the importance of support and strategy.
Top Book recommendations
Check out our three recommendations for workplace well-being. Dr. Kortni teamed up with education and business leader Ardenia Myrick, to create a list of their top mindfulness books.
Dr. Kortni has several picks on coping with life transitions at work: job layoffs and transitioning, divorce, grief, and how positive psychology can help.
In Dr. Kortni’s keynote address at LaGuardia Community College for the Black Lives Summit, the theme focused on Black Justice, Black Joy. She talks about her journey as a Black Happiness Scholar, Journalist, and Trainer, and what we can learn from positive psychology. Dr. Kortni also highly recommends the publication, Black Joy: Stories of Resistance, Resilience, and Restoration by Tracey Michael’L Lewis-Giggetts. She discusses the beauty of the body of work by Lewis-Giggetts and shares it with her expertise in positive psychology. Dr. Kortni discusses her training sessions with journalists, executives, and working professional about of how positive relationships can be key in strengthing one’s resilience.
workplace experts featured on Kourting Happiness
Kourting Happiness podcast guests can help you rediscover the joy in the office. Director of Happiness at Work Coach, Researcher, and Author of Fun at Work, Dr. Kathryn Owler, will empower you to channel despair. Entrepreneur, business leader, and founder Catherine Bell stops by the Kourting Happiness podcast to discuss her book, The Awakened Company. Her publication provides a revolutionary approach to business and leadership.
Courtsey of Kristie Anne Mah
Gifts of Gratitude
One of the leading scholars in gratitude research is Dr. Robert Emmons. Dr. Kortni highly recommends his book: The Little Book of Gratitude: Create a Life of Happiness and Wellbeing by Giving Thanks and Thanks!: How Practicing Gratitude Can Make you Happier.
Kourting Happiness guest, Kristie Anne Mah, shared her transformative journey on the podcast. She is the author of Gratitude for Life: 5 Minutes a Day to Kick-Start Complete Transformation. After a devasting loss followed by her husband’s cancer diagnosis, Kristie Anne is living proof when you have a dream in your heart; you should follow your path.
Dr. Kortni’s favorite positive activity is the use of her gratitude jar. In Kourting Happiness podcast episode 5, she talks about their special gratitude jar with her fiancé, Ken Lemon. “I love the visualization of the gratitude jar versus a journal. It allows you to see the growth of what you are grateful for,” says Dr. Kortni. You can check out one of the jars that she purchases for family and friends to buy for yourself or your loved ones.
Top Positive Psychology sites
Dr. Kristen Neff is one of the leading scholars in self-compassion. Her website provides the latest research, exercises, and training. Dr. Kortni loves her guided meditation practices that are ready to download for free, including Tender Self-Compassion Break to Loving and Kindness Meditation. Dr. Neff has added a Fierce Friend Meditation, a guided visualization to help you unlock self-compassion. Dr. Kortni highly recommends her books Self-Compassion: The Proven Power of Being Kind to Yourself and Fierce Self-Compassion: How Women Can Harness Kindness to Speak Up, Claim Their Power and Thrive.
The Authentic Happiness website is hosted by the University of Pennsylvania and developed by the Positive Psychology Center and Dr. Martin E.P. Seligman, Director of the Center and one of the founders of positive psychology. Dr. Seligman’s website provides popular books, videos, and research. It also houses over twenty questionnaires, such as the Stress and Empathy Workplace Perma Profiler and Values-In-Action (VIA) Character Strengths Survey. Dr. Kortni treasures the survey details and the results provided to empower your well-being journey. You can also find out more concerning her book recommendation about character strengths.
Dr. Kortni recommends trying out the VIA Character Strengths Survey for those looking to identify their character strengths and learn how to utilize them effectively. This survey can be easily accessed on the Authentic Happiness website under questionnaires and can be incredibly helpful for personal growth and development. Dr. Ryan M. Niemiec and Dr. Neal H. Mayerson have written The Strength-Based Workbook for Stress Relief: A Character Strengths Approach to Finding Calm in the Chaos of Daily Life. The evidence-based, step-by-step approach is grounded in positive psychology.
Mindful magazines adorn Dr. Kortni Alston’s former office on the campus of North Carolina A&T State University.
Digital Publications
Greater Good magazine is published by the Greater Good Science Center (GGSC) at the University of California, Berkeley. Greater Good turns scientific research into stories and evidence-based practices for a happier and more compassionate life. You will find videos, quizzes, and articles for educators, parents, business leaders, and healthcare. Greater Good provides free online courses, an online gratitude journal, and a library of research-tested practices.
Mindful and Live Happy are monthly magazines that provide print and digital subscriptions. The publication offers inspirational stories and features scholars focusing on mindfulness and happiness research.
Your audio companion Kourting happiness
Happiness and Workplace Podcasts
Below are the top five Kourting Happiness episodes to improve your workplace well-being. Find more by visiting our episode show notes and podcast promotional page.
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